


₹ 2499
  • Warm relationships are just as important for our survival as food and water. Our health and happiness suffer when our relationships go wrong. People with satisfying relationships and healthy social connections are likely to have better emotional & physical health and live longer.
  • A recent research done by a team from US’s Duke University has claimed that the release of hormones while having warm relationship stimulates increased feeling of religiousness, spirituality and belief in God; and, it plays a role in promoting empathy, trust, social bonding and altruism.


  • India is a spiritually-fertile space hiding mysteries over centuries and ages; from time to time such mysteries were unfolded by Indian Seers and Sages.The Indian Masters have developed a science, an alchemy, which can transform your energy-centres creating a rhythm and harmony between you and the beloved ones.They found that we all have a subtle system of channels (nadis) and centres of energy (chakras) to stimulate the intellectual & emotional power and synchronize everything in perfect order.
  • In our subtle body, the relationship and intimate issues are primarily impelled by the energy governed by Sacral Chakra, the Swadhishthan Chakra.Sacral Chakra holds control on our emotional body and sensuality. The more this Sacral Chakra is cleansed and powered, the more enjoying our relationships and intimate moments will be! Its core energy is directed to the concept of  ‘ME & YOU’. Its fundamental craving is survival-of-species linked to sexuality and re-production  in the external physical world.
  • After years of hard work and research, we have come up with is a highly potent andrare-mantra to enhance Bliss, Ecstasy and warmth in your relationships.  This is a rare-permutation which you won’t find in any  classical text(s). Itworks directly on your previous karmic-impressions at intra-cellular-levels, act forcefully on the invisible-energy-dynamos in your energy-body; and, activate, energize and stimulate the inner organs….every cell of your body. 
  • The Initiation into this tantra-spiritual process and regular practice of the dikshit-mantrais a very powerful technique that will help create a conducive aura in your bio-energy-field to attract bliss, warmth and satisfying relationships. 


The mantra-diksha is based on the science of sound-vibration-energy. The Energy Embraces All Religions.Therefore, the mantras are equally effective and fruitful for every human being following any religion, any belief system or even for the non-believers ! This is Science-of-Spirituality which works equally for all living beings anywhere in the World.


  • This highly potent mantra, thoroughly researched upon, well tried and tested on couples and individuals, has helped many couples in saving their marriage with increased mental focus and energy by retaining vital essences, cultivating a deeper sense of intimacy, connection and caring attitude both at emotional and conjugal levels.  After initiation & practice, they feel deeply connected to each other with higher level of Care & Concern and move forward in a way that is healthy for their all-individual needs.
  • It is specifically formulated to help two people to align their energies and to have better intimacy in their relationships by establishing connection from their heart and soul, exploring the unexplored realm of love and overcoming emotional barriers. It helps in creating safe and supportive environment where you can communicate openly and listen to the other partner.
  • It helps to enhance your carnal prowess.


It is the science of transforming ordinary lovers into soul mates having unbreakable connection. It can transform each couple into soul mates. With Initiation and regular practice, the situation changes as the mind of both the man and woman undergoes a slow yet steady permutation, a compelling force draws them closer thus infusing bliss and warmth in the emotional bond.

In addition to the couples, individual Men and Women can also benefit a lot from this Deeksha  as it helps empower them to create conducive environement, impels to make healthy relationships and gives you the power to influence and attract others!



It is definite that a mantra helps to create specific brain-waves. These waves stimulate the corresponding glands and as a result they release the respective hormones. Therefore, keeping your physical and emotional health into consideration before initiating you into tantra with a beej-mantra, is very important rather Essential.

We can understand it by an example; that, if a person has an issue with his eyes (for example glaucoma, or retinal issues) and if he gets initiated by some unskilled Guru (or so called Mentor), into a mantra (or a beej mantra) which stimulates petals of higher chakras, it is likely that the intra-ocular pressure could increase which could exaggerate the problem for the disciple or the shishya!

Similarly, if a person has some issues with his heart (hypertension/post cardiac procedure, etc) and without taking into consideration this medical condition if he gets Tantra Deeksha by some amateurish Mentor into a mantra which has heavy base-sound of the Anahat (Heart) chakra, it could affect his health adversely, not to talk of the intended benefits!

Please be advised to take mantra-energy seriously and do not choose to do recitation of beej-mantras without consulting an able Guru.



The Initiation, particularly with a beej-mantra, involves a big responsibility on the part of the Guru. The view of Kriya Yogi, Tantra Maestro and enlightened Master, Vidya Vachaspati Ashok Angrish is that the time has come to take mantra-energy seriously and it be advised and be used scientifically for the welfare of mankind!

It is in this background that before initiating a person into the process, Vidya Vachaspati Ashok Angrish strictly takes into consideration your present health parameters as well as your birth details to cast the horoscope which helps in understanding your body-energy-matrix.

Our intent is to advise and Initiate you into the process of  Mantra-Deeksha with the appropriate mantra which is in complete alignment with your body-energy for fulfilment of worldly accomplishments, enhances your energy levels; increased positivity and attracts more of what you are focusing upon to help you manifest it in your reality; as well as helpful in higher journeys of your soul

We practise positive Tantra i.e.  the Dakshin-Marg of Tantra (which represents deities/goddess/MahaVidyas, and all) and NOT Vama-Tantra (which represents Ghosts/Pretas/Pishachas, and all) !



No.  Absolutely not !

The yours exclusive Initiation-mantra  is crafted after very carefully selecting specific seed-sounds  for your individual needs after examination of your horoscope based on time-tested Vedic principles combined with modern scientific calculations using Geo-Centric Latitudes, Placidus System of casting horoscope, Swiss Ephemeris and all; so that, you get initiated with appropriately matching sound-energies and get empowered to gain best of health. Sharing your dikshit-mantra with others can be harmful in two ways:

1.   Loss of your-own-vital-aura :

By sharing your mantra you will be sharing your own aura with other person, which you have created for yourself. By sharing your personal mantra, you will be allowing the other person to penetrate in your energy field and overpower you.

2.  Damage to others :

The mantra in which you will be initiated is crafted exclusively for you after in-depth analysis of your horoscope  and that will be in sync-with your own bio-energy matrix. Every very person has his own energy-matrix and group of bio-energies and aura reflected in his/her unique horoscope. The initiation-mantra to enhance your protective aura may not be in sync with other person’s aura and may harm the other one rather than benefit.


  • The Process involves Two-stages. In the first stage, you will be advised to practise a specific Guru-Mantra. This is a very important stage to prepare your physical body and energy body to be more receptive and to absorb the deep impact of the next stage. It requires a minimum practice of three days to seven days.
  • Thereafter on a specific day, it could be full-Moon day or No-Moon day or any other suitable day/time, you will be initiated into a carefully formulated highly potent personalised-mantra in sync with the placement of Planets in the relevant Nakshatras in your horoscope; so that, you get the maximum positive effects thereof. The initiation can be on one-on-one basis while in Delhi at the designated place; or it can be facilitated online if physical presence is not possible due to circumstances.
  • The Mantra-Deeksha and regular practice thereafter, helps you to connect with the one dear to heart and rediscover lost pleasures, overcome certain carnal and emotional barriers and enjoy the pleasure of being a living Magnet!
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