G-8/6, D-6 Vasant Kunj, New Delhi



Modern science has reconfirmed that the baby in the womb reacts to the environment of the mother. The baby (in the womb) reacts to stress, develops certain tastes, recognises rhymes and songs, and may even cry and make certain facial expressions, as a reaction to the external environment of its mother!

The thought process of the mother-to-be and the external environment around the mother does play a key role in preparing the baby for the outer world! The best period to educate a baby can be the period while the baby is in the womb!

In case you have conceived a baby J and undergoing pregnancy, be in touch with us. We will guide you about the effective remedies and the apt-mantra (rhythmical recitation) for your own well being, forwell being of the baby and to inculcate positivity and healthy values in the baby.

Completely Personalised online Astrology Report by Accurate Vedic Astrologer

Get a hand-made Astrology report after an in-depth analysis of your horoscope viz

  • Your Ascendant
  • The Prime Cusp & its Lord
  • Vimsottari Dasha Pattern
  • Your Moon Sign
  • Divisional Charts
  • Transits of Planets

This Accurate Astrology Report based on your Janam-Kundli will help you to

  • Use astrology to plan your baby during a favourable cosmic alignment and have a child who is healthy and will grow up to be an achiever in all areas of life.
  • Know the vedic chants or prayers that should be recited or listened to when you are expecting a child. These will have a positive impact on the growth and development of the child.
  • Know how to create spiritual vibrations and a positive environment around you that has a refreshing and rejuvenating effect on the mother’s and the child’s physical, emotional, intellectual and mental faculties.
  • Use our astro solutions to overcome any obstacles that you are facing or may face later in life to have a child who is smart and strong and does not suffer from any inadequacies.
  • Get rid of the negative aura around your body and surroundings to ensure that baby’s growth and development is well balanced and up-to the mark!

What makes us Accurate Online Astrologers

Accurate Astrology Reports

Astrology is Science and art of decoding the Scripts in the Sky or the zodiac, for which we use knowledge and wisdom from the Ancient Indian Jyotish Scripts and apply Time-Tested Vedic Astrology Principles/classical rules to provide you hand-written & reliable astro-reports. We have always to keep in mind that no one can act like God and 100% accuracy at all times is almost rare, however, we can expect higher rate of accuracy with these Vedic and time-tested principles!

Scientific Astrology-Approach

Being accurate astrologer, we ensure honest interpretation of horoscopes by applying modern tools like Swiss Ephemeris, Geocentric Latitudes, accuracy of Moon’s placement meets the highest standard at 0.001% error, examination of combinations of Multiple-Houses instead of conventional Single-House-based system to give you accurate astrology report.

Effective Astro Remedies/Upay.

As accurate Vedic astrologer we can foresee to a major extent, the pattern of one’s life as indicated in astrological birth-chart. However, the objective of a genuine Vedic astrologer is not merely to forecast your future; but, to shape your future. This casts a responsibility on us and we take it as our moral duty to continually empower you.

Effective Astro Remedies/Upay.

As accurate Vedic astrologer we can foresee to a major extent, the pattern of one’s life as indicated in astrological birth-chart. However, the objective of a genuine Vedic astrologer is not merely to forecast your future; but, to shape your future. This casts a responsibility on us and we take it as our moral duty to continually empower you.


We are committed to development and maintenance of best practices in the field of Predictive Astrology through the promotion of strong standards, professional competency, ethical understanding & integrity; and to give appropriately balanced and useful pieces of productive advice based on your horoscope so that you are rightly guided to make better decisions of your life in the given circumstances.

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Ashok Angrish, a bureaucrat turned Divine Mystic, is an outstanding expert in Vedic Astrology, Kundalini-Tantra, and, a Kriya Yogi. He is born in the clan of Rishi Angiras who is described in the Rigveda as a educator of divine knowledge and a mediator between men and gods.