God is a Verb not noun; and, we are all parts on ongoing process of growth and development. The Vedic Philosophy has laid emphasis on inner-development and Tantra is an inner technology that enables you to make things happen making use of potential energy lying in your Kundalini-Chakras. When you have to make things happen, every basic instinct, including the sexual instinct, emotions, intellect and survival process must be used to build and hype the energy system. The intention is to deploy all instincts for which a certain amount of energy is dedicated in the body.
Mantra Deeksha is a small step aimed at upgrading your inner-technology that enables you to connect with immensely-condensed-energy bodies living in different dimensions of The Existence. The understanding of these energy bodies is beyond the capacity of average mind and it requires special efforts and training to prepare yourself to reach the required levels.
Mantra Deeksha, in fact, is a process that facilitates realignment of your neural pathways and train your brainwaves into balance. The Initiation with personalised seed-mantra is a kind of physical and spiritual therapy, truly natural, effective and works fast. The Beej-Mantra, introduced by the Ancient Indian Sages is the earliest and perfect technique to effectively tap into the energy source which does help all human beings to live a life which is truly fulfilling.
The rhythmic chanting forms a complex pattern of vibrations meant to activate certain Centres in our body. Each Mantra holds the ability to open your energy body, emotions, and soul to a higher vibrational level. When we delve deeper, we find that in fact, each human being is in essence a mantra, a unique yet cosmic mantra vibrating at its own level. The rhythmic-chanting of Mantras attune us to the layer of vibrations of the Specific Deity and we acquire the qualities and characteristics of that specific Deity as his/her grace.
We practise positive Tantra, that is, the Dakshin-Marg of Tantra (which represents deities/goddess/MahaVidyas, and all) and NOT Vama-Tantra (which represents Ghosts/Pretas/Pishachas, and all) !
The Lord Buddha said, ‘App Deepo Bhav’ ! Initiation into Tantra is like ‘Being Your Own Light as well as Creating Your Own Light’. When you are rightly guided and practise regularly, your body and soul beam with positive energy and aura around you!
Upgrading your inner-technology which you have acquired from a series of your previous births and karmas is not going to be easy and will be challenging. We will need persistence in our practice and we may require to deploy ALL instincts for which a certain amount of energy is dedicated in the body.
Initiation means we are ready to accept the responsibility of being what we are and where we are; and, we are ready to take charge of our life and commit to do whatever it takes! It is like Karm-Yog of The Holy Geeta.
As your progress in the field of Tantra, you get introduced to higher realms of The Existence Chakra-by-Chakra. Keep in mind that you do not have to stop at any lower/middle Chakras. You have higher aims, much higher than relishing the Siddhis/rewards of lower chakras. Aim Big!
The Initiation is based on sound-vibration-energy and The Energy Embraces All Religions. Therefore, Initiation into Tantra is equally effective for every human being following any religion, any belief system or even for the non-believers.