G-8/6, D-6 Vasant Kunj, New Delhi


Sound : The Gateway to Destiny

 Each and every expression of Universe, each and every wave creates a sound. The sound is called the "acoustic root" of that expression.

What exactly is Sound ( A bit of scientific terminology) !

Sound is a vibration that propagates as a mechanical wave of pressure and displacement, through some medium (such as air or water).

We understand sound to be an-ordered-motion of the molecules of the medium through which the sound propagates. Sometimes sound refers to only those vibrations with frequencies that are within the range of hearing.


Let’s try to be simpler!

Our own voice vibrates and creates it's own energy. Each thought-wave produced by the mind, therefore, emits a certain sound and that sound is the combined sound of the various acoustic roots associated with the various propensities active in that thought.


Sound can be defined as a manifestation of energy spontaneously erupting then dispersing back into the Universe! 



Sound and human body

Our bodies are made up of particles of energy, and there is a vibration that is constantly pulsating through them. Stresses, imbalances, and weakness can cause these energy particles to change the vibration of our body.

Sound acts as a solar massage for the entire body and nervous system.

Ancient Indian Yogis’ research on Sound

What the yogis then discovered was that if an acoustic root or combination of acoustic roots was repeated in the mind it would create a sympathetic vibration that would activate the corresponding mental propensity. By repeating the acoustic root of anger, a feeling of anger would arise in the mind. By repeating the acoustic root for compassion, a feeling of compassion would be induced. The closer the sound repeated was to the actual acoustic root, the stronger the wave of that mental propensity that would arise in the mind. It was these discoveries and investigations that led directly to the science of rhythmic chanting vis-à-vis connecting with the Deities in other dimensions of The Existence.


This occurs on a cellular level and, as we know, our cells are constantly changing; so, our body is never the same. With the guided use of sound, we can build a-new-body that beats to a higher vibrational level by instilling that vibration in the building-blocks of our body.


Does Sound has any meaning!


Is there any ‘meaning’ of Sound !

Probably not……hmmmmm…..Certainly not! 

We can give meaning to ‘words’ and not to sound(s). It is because words are a result of civilization of mankind. Words came later and are expressions of collective-mind of mankind; as, words were developed for a convenient and effective means of communication.

Sounds came prior to civilization, they came alongwith the human beings and living beings. Sounds are as old as living beings rather, sounds are more primitive than the living beings or human beings. The earlier human beings, when words or the language were not created, used the sounds, essentially, to convey their emotions e.g. the emotion of love,  the emotion of fear, the emotion of anger,  and likewise.  

 Emotions’ centres in body.

What we need to understand is that every sound has a specific source (or part) wherefrom it is generated within the human-body and that specific part of the human-body represents a specific emotion.

This linkage of the emotion vis-à-vis the sound was understood and mastered by the ancient Indian Yogis/Saints thousands of years ago.



Sound vis-a-vis Sanskrit.


The Ancient India had a highly advanced culture intellectually and spiritually; and a language, ‘Sanskrit’ was developed which itself means "refined, well done." The alphabets in Sanskrit were perfectly designed for the human vocal apparatus, and are pronounced phonetically.


Sanskrit was essentially designed for sound and it is an exquisite language from ancient India. It is considered divine, originating from the meditations of ancient Sages. Sanskrit is pronounced accordingly as it is written, and no sound is dropped while uttering its written word(s).


For thousands of years, the profound teachings from India have been chanted over and over, preserving the essence of their being. Chanting Sanskrit slokas forms a direct link or an acoustic root to the vibrations through sound. 


Matrikas …. Natural human Tendencies & Much more !

The ancient Indian Seers discovered fifty principle acoustic roots (or matrikas) which, either alone or in combination, are at the root of all psychic expression. These fifty roots, on which they based the fifty letters of the Sanskrit alphabet, correspond to the fifty principle natural tendencies of the human mind, such as fear, anger, compassion, etc.

These fifty natural tendencies combine together to give rise to the infinitely rich-matrix-of-human thought. One or more of these natural-tendency is always active in the human mind at any given point of time, to one degree or another, and the combination thereof produces the phenomenon that we know of as human thought. When these fifty natural-tendencies become completely quiescent then the pure consciousness shines in its original, unaltered state.

Matrikas and Mantras

Among the various psychic-tendencies, those acoustic roots which awaken the core tendencies of the individual mind became the subject-of-intense-research and with the passage of time the processes of rhythmic-chanting or the mantras were born which tuned not only the mind and the emotions, but the body and its glands as well to the subtle wavelengths of the ‘Self.

The rhythmic chanting forms a complex pattern of vibrations meant to activate certain centers in the human body by repetition of the mantra. Each Mantra holds the ability to open your energy body, emotions, and soul to a higher vibrational level. Silently repeating rhythmic chanting creates a mental vibration that allows the mind to experience deeper levels of awareness and leads into the field of pure consciousness from which the vibration arose.


Deities: The-Condensed-energy-bodies !

One thing more worth giving attention seem to be that the world does not exist as appears; it is merely a huge mass of vibrations.

In the system of existence, there are bodies of condensed vibrations having enormous potential(s) which are beyond the understanding of normal human beings. In a higher probability, these bodies-of-condensed vibrations are the deities given names which indicate the nature-of-powers represented by them e.g. Kali, Durga, Lakshmi, Indra, Bhairava, Shiva and likewise.

A Mantra is not merely a sound but essentially, a process which opens the doorways to place us in the vibrational-layer of the specific deity.  Each human being is in essence a mantra, a very unique yet cosmic mantra vibrating at its own level. The rhythmic-chanting of guided Mantras attune us to the layer of vibrations of a deity and we are bestowed with the blessings and grace of that specific deity.  


Sound : The Gateway to Destiny!

India has a lot in its Belly and Brain…..and while saying so, I am not referring to the physical boundaries of India. In fact, I am referring to the unfathomable depth of spiritual history of this Nation.  When I say ‘India has a lot in its Brain’, I refer to the potential of creativity a mind cultivated in above referred Indian-ness can have; and, when I say ‘India has a lot in its Belly’, I refer to the ‘secrets’ which the rich spiritual heritage of India is carrying in its ancient scriptures. As stated above, the Ancient Indian Sages have given us potent mantras and seed-mantras which have the potential of working directly on our karmic-impressions and giving us the key to re-write our destiny. 


The exploration of relationship between the sound and the consciousness can lead to a whole different understanding of the world we live in and the world we create. When we have this perception about ourselves, we cannot help but let go of old patterns and obstacles and enjoy the wonder of being part of the cosmic symphony.


Decoding of Beej Mantras


The Seed Mantra (or the beej mantra) is a very potent-set-of-sounds which may consist of a vowel, a consonant and an element of vibrating sound imbibed in it. The vowel is ‘the-carrier’ which transports the sound energy (created by the consonant) to the intended energy-center in the body. As a result, we create the type of power (or energy) needed by us to meet all the worldly affairs be it success, money, fame etc.

The Ancient Indian Seers had hidden the seed mantras within normal mantras. This might be with the intention that the seed mantra should be unmasked to a disciple only when the disciple has achieved a certain level of maturity and understanding of things.  Here is an example which indicates the presence of a Seed (beej) in a Mantra:

There is a Sloka in Shree DevyaAtharvaSheersham which is as under:

(वियदीकारसंयुक्तं  वीतिहोत्र्  समन्वितं  अर्धेन्दुलसितं देव्या बीजं सर्वार्थसाधकं)

ViyadiKar           Sanyuktam              VeetihotraSamanvitam

ArdhEnduLasitam          Devya   Beejam   SarvArthSadhkam.

When we expand the meaning of the above sloka, it becomes:

THAT which includes Viyat = Ether [ (h) sound] and ‘EE’ sound; and also includes  Veetihotra=Fire  [ (r) sound] and is decorated with the ArdhChandra [ (mmm) vibrating sound], THIS seed of Devi is capable of fulfilling all desires (sarvaArthSadhkam). Now, what we get in this sloka can be summed as under:

It is sound of H, Combined with R, Combined with Vowel sound of EE and decorated with the MM vibrating sound =

H  R  E E  M   =  Hreem (the result is beej mantra = Hreem).

This seed-mantra ‘Hreem’ is a Shakti-Mantra, the rhythmic-chanting of which activates the hidden powers of a Sadhak and places him in a higher level of vibrations. With the patience-practice of this seed-mantra ‘Hreem’, life of the Sadhak gets totally transformed touching new heights of worldly achievements and spirituality as well.


My religion is different!

So what?

The mantras are based on sound-vibration-energy and the energy belongs to all and equally works on all. Hence, mantras are equally effective for every human being following any religion on this Earth. The only requirement is that these are to be done under the guidance of a competent Guru/Guide.


Be with the Master.

Initiation into Tantra, particularly with a beej-mantra, involves a big responsibility on the part of the Guru. The view of Kriya Yogi, Tantra Maestro and enlightened Master, Ashok Angrish is that the time has come to take mantra-energy seriously and it be advised and be used scientifically  as it is going to be a life-transforming tool for the disciple.


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Ashok Angrish, a bureaucrat turned Divine Mystic, is an outstanding expert in Vedic Astrology, Kundalini-Tantra, and, a Kriya Yogi. He is born in the clan of Rishi Angiras who is described in the Rigveda as a educator of divine knowledge and a mediator between men and gods.