G-8/6, D-6 Vasant Kunj, New Delhi


                     Which food should I take, Vegetarian or Non-Vegetarian?


 Well, a big question which can be debated…… endlessly!  

2.         My view-point is that, instead of the source/origin of the food, the following things are more important:

i)                Amount of love and affection or the violence/resistance exhibited while obtaining the food is more important than the source of the food whether Plant source or Animal source.

ii)              Software of the food vis-à-vis your own software.

3.         We have to clearly understand, accept and respect that the Plants do have life. The only difference is that when we obtain fruits and vegetables from the Plants, they are not in position to apply any visible-resistance. The resistance, if any, is minimum or so subtle that we, as human beings, are not developed enough to perceive or notice their resistance. Perhaps, our senses are not sufficiently developed to observe or notice resistance from the plants. Since there is no visible (nor noticeable) resistance, we assume that there is no violence or resistance in taking the fruits and vegetables from the Plants.

4.         The factor which is more important, is the emotions/nutrients that are carried through the food.  Whether the food is from a Plant source or not, does not matter much.

5.         We can understand it better with this example.  When a new baby is born, nature makes the provisioning of food for the new-born-baby in the form of milk from the mother. That milk is produced through a process using the flesh-and-bones-and-blood of the mother.  Going strictly by the scientific terminology, one cannot keep it in the category of Plant source. However, mother’s milk is essential for the survival of the new born baby in view the tenderness of the digestive fires of the baby.  Moreover, when a mother feeds her baby, the milk carries lots of caring emotions alongwith nutrients essential for the baby. It is altogether a different chemistry ! 


6.         On the other side, when we take milk as a food from an animal, there would be slight resistance from the animal because the milk produced within the mother-animal is for her babies and not ours!  However, since these animals have been domesticated the resistance by the animals gets slightly reduced with the passage of time and the milk would be carrying a different set of chemicals because of stable emotional state of that animal.


Resistance of violence and Release of harmful chemicals


7.         No living being wants to be killed; and, no animal produces children to be your food!  Therefore, when you go the extent of killing the same animal for food, the animal will apply all possible resistance while being killed. In the process of being killed, there is release of certain chemicals within its body which can prove harmful when the meat of that animal is eaten.


8.         The quantity and nature of release of chemicals may depend upon the size of animal and the amount of resistance applied. Small animals, like Fish etc may have less resistance than the big-sized animals; and hence, the amount of release of harmful chemicals would vary from animal to animal.


9.         Therefore, Vegetables/fruits have least (almost nil) resistive chemicals; the sea/river animals like fish etc have release of such harmful chemicals in small quantities; and, the bigger animals will release much higher amount of harmful chemicals which will definitely enter our blood-stream when we eat them.


Software versus Software


10.       Every living being be it plants, animals or human beings have a software of its own. Human beings have certain software which governs the body, most probably, most complex software of all living beings. Plants also have their software which is quite simpler. Similarly, animals also have their software which is more complex than that of Plants but less complex than humans.


11.          In the food chain, the software of the food which is eaten affects the software of the Eater. This is a very sensitive aspect. It implies that your nature, your behaviour, your response system will be decided or largely affected by what you eat. Yes, by whatever you eat.  Therefore, it is imperative that you develop yourself to such a level that the food you eat should not over-power your very own software. Be mindful, whatever you eat becomes you!


Let it be a judicious decision


12.       Thus, it is largely upto us as to which food you decide to choose as per the region you live in, the availability or non-availability of plant based food, your religious beliefs, your digestive fires, your own set norms and so on.

13.       In my opinion, the best choice should be to go in for vegetarian food since it is sufficiently nutritious, in tune with our natural digestive fires; and above all, it does not affect our software (thought process) adversely.

14.   You should make a choice based on our goals and draw a fine balance keeping into consideration the medical advice if any, long-term effects of food at gross (physical) levels as well as at subtle levels. While in short term, the nutrients in animal-based food may appear convincingly attractive; however, the regular intake of animal-based-food is likely to add more of the animalistic-characteristics which may lead to personality issues like fearfulness, feeling of insecurity, overly possessive, anger-issues, overly dominance, jealous, depressive tendencies, exploitive nature, and so on.  

15.       Please also be informed that it is not merely the food that transforms you. In fact, you are transformed by what you see, what you read, what you hear and, also by the thoughts which dominate you most of the times. 



Ashok Angrish, a bureaucrat turned Divine Mystic, is an outstanding expert in Vedic Astrology, Kundalini-Tantra, and, a Kriya Yogi. He is born in the clan of Rishi Angiras who is described in the Rigveda as a educator of divine knowledge and a mediator between men and gods.