Kaal Sarpa Dosh
Does it really
make sense …or …. It is A Tool, To
1. When in a birth-chart, All other seven Planets are
placed in between Rahu & Ketu, it is stated to be the presence of ‘Kaal-sarpa yog’ in the horoscope.
2. It
has been stated in some recent texts that the effect of Kaal-Sarpa yog, a dangerously malefic yoga, remains till the age of
47 years and sometimes throughout life; and, a person having this yog
faces problems of instability in his life, defamation, problems in progeny,
mental disturbances. It has also been stated in some texts that a person
affected by ‘Kaal-Sarpa Yog’ will see
Pythons and Snakes in his dreams(!).
3. In
some other texts, a diagonally opposite view has been projected about the
effects of Kaal-Sarpa yog stating
that the presence of ‘Kaal-Sarpa Yog’
makes the native very courageous and practical; and, ‘Kaal-sarpa yog’ makes their personality very impressive !
4. It
may thus be seen that even within the fraternity, there are internally
conflicting statements about the effects of this Kaal Sarpa Yog.
Formation of KSD
5. To
know the formation of so-called ‘Kaal-Sarpa
Yog’, we need to understand the Ascending and Descending Nodes of Moon,
known as Rahu and Ketu which are Causative-Forces for formation of this yog. Let us first understand what Rahu and
Ketu are:
apparently, moves around the Earth. The path of this apparent movement of Sun
is called Ravi Kranti Marg (Vrit).
also know that Moon revolves around the Earth.
Ravi Kranti Vrit and the path of Moon’s revolution around the Earth are
not parallel. These two paths intersect each other.
In the process of its revolution, Moon crosses
Ravi Kranti Vrit from the below and goes upward (ascends); and, on next
occasion, Moon crosses Ravi Kranti Vrit from the above and goes downward
Ascending node and Descending node are called Rahu & Ketu respectively.
are two points-of-reference only and these have no physical body, no mass
Rahu & Ketu are not natural planets nor any shadowy planets. These are only
reference-points which come into existence because of intersection of
Ravi-Kranti-Vrit while Moon’s revolution around the Earth.
following picture will further clarify the phenomenon of Rahu & Ketu:
6. In
a horoscope, what we see is a two-dimensional picture of Planet-position which
may give an impression that other Planets are situated in between Rahu &
Ketu; whereas in actual Sky there are more than two dimensions. Each Planet has
its own revolution-path around Sun which is neither uniform nor parallel to
Celestial–Equator and has its own varying Altitude and Azimuth.
Similar nodes created by other Inner Planets
7. When
we observe closely, we come to know that the same phenomenon leading to
creation of similar Ascending Node and Descending Node across Surya-Kranti-Vrit is created by other
inner Planets as also !
8. Apart
from Moon, the transit or passage of a Planet across the Surya-Kranti-Vrit
takes place in respect of the inner planets Mercury and Venus as
well. On an average, there are 13 such intersections/transits of Mercury each
century. In comparison, intersection/transits of Venus usually occur in pairs
with eight years separating the two events.
9. The
following is a picture of Venus transiting Surya-Kranti-Vrit.
[Photograph of the Transit
of Venus on 1882 Dec 06]
10. There
have also been instances when four Planets were lined up. One such case occurrence
took place on March 21, 1894 at around 23:00 UTC, when Mercury transited the Surya-Kranti-Vrit as seen from Venus,
and Mercury and Venus both simultaneously transited the Vrit as seen from outer Planets.
11. It
may thus be seen that it is not only Moon which causes Ascending Node and
Descending Node by intersecting Surya-Kranti-Vrit but this Vrit (circular-path)
is also intersected by Mercury and Venus as well. No significance is given to the Ascending and
Descending Nodes caused by intersection of Vrit
by Venus and Mercury, by the Astrologers. Probably, it is lack of awareness of
this astronomical fact and its astrological effects.
The Horrific Title
12. The
thing which catches attention is the name [Kaal-Sarpa] given to this
phenomenon. One meaning of the word Kaal
is time and an other meaning of this
word is deity-of-death; and the word Sarpa
means snake. When these two words are combined, (KaalSarpa : Snake combined with deity-of-death), it creates a terrifying psyche in the mind of
the native and leaves an impression, as if, the native had committed a grave-sin in his
last birth which has led to the presence of Kal-Sarpa-Yog in his/her horoscope
in this birth!
13. This fearful title seems to have been purposely
given, probably, to create and to exploit the fear-psyche of the clients.
Definition of a Yog
14. As
per classical understanding, a yog is a set of specific permutations
& combinations of the specific Planets forming a yog, with respect to their
specific placement, conjunction, exchange and their aspects, mutual or
15. It
does not seem to be logical by any stretch of imagination, to create (!)
a yog
(specifically Kaal-sarpa yog) which is neither based on placement nor
conjunction nor exchange nor aspects of the specific Planets [i.e. Nodes], but Planets’
just being hemmed/locked between two
reference-points (non-planets) !
16. Therefore,
the so-called Kaal-Sarpa Yog does not
withstand this scrutiny of standard-classical understanding of an astrological
The Silver Lining
17. I would like to add here a small story
which goes like this:
a Sculptor carved out a very beautiful and a lively sculpture.
King made a visit to the place and came across that sculpture.
by the beauty and liveliness thereof, the King praised the Sculptor and said,
“You have made a lively sculpture out of a dead stone”.
sculptor said, “I did not make anything, Sir. This
beautiful and lively picture was already there in the stone. I merely removed
the excess of the stone and this beautiful sculpture appeared.”
18. This story reminds me of the same which has
happened to Astrology, particularly in some parts of India in recent past. This
excess-of-the-stone needs
be removed so that the true and scientific picture of Astrology is put forth in
the Society.
19. With the passage of time, Astrology has
acquired a few non-rational concepts [excess of the stone - like Kaal-Sarpa Yog] which are not a part of the classical texts on
Astrology. In some other cases which were just given little importance or which
could find only a mention in the classical texts, their so-called negative
effect has been unnecessarily exaggerated which has spoilt the image of the
science of Astrology and created panic-psyche in the name of Astrology.
20. In
view of this back-drop, it may thus be seen that there is no reason to create
panic-psyche among the clients in the name of Kaal-Sarpa Dosh (KSD).
This yog/dosh does not find even a mention in original-classical texts of
Astrology. This combination has been found to be present in the horoscopes of
many highly successful and famous personalities like Pandit Nehru ji, Sachin
Tendulkar, Dhirubhai Ambani, Margaret Thatcher and many more.
21. This
combination does NOT have ANY impact, negative or otherwise, on other Planets
in any manner whatsoever. Every Planet is to be examined individually with
reference to its placement in Degrees, Nakshatra, conjunction, exchange,
aspects; and, divisional charts, dasha
pattern, transits etc are also to be examined in a scientific manner for
purposeful assessment of a horoscope.
22. I
hope this clears the doubts and contributes in removing the un-necessary fears prevalent in the name of Kaal-Sarpa Dosh.
23. Some
so-called astrologers use this combination to exploit the fear psyche of the
clients, as a tool to fool.
24. As
per my opinion, the presence of this combination in a horoscope does NOT require ANY pooja nor any remedy, whatsoever.
25. Rahu
and Ketu HAVE their own importance in Indian classical astrology; but,
that is in their individual
placement/conjunction/aspects and not in the form of KSD.