HORARY :The Master Key
The Philosophy of Horary System
The philosophy of Horary Astrology is based on the sound principle of unison or synchronization between the universal consciousness and the individual soul. Each person’s soul is a fragment of the universal consciousness and operates in space-less and time-less domain but the body of the individual – subtle or gross, operates in space and time domain. An idea or a thought initiated by soul as per its past, present karmas or future dispositions is expressed at a particular time. At every moment of time, there is a peculiar correspondence between the universal consciousness and the individual soul. This correspondence, in astrology, is reflected by the Degree, Minute and Second rising on the Ascendant and the Moon’s position in the zodiac.
We practise a unique concept of Horary System to answer all your questions even when you do not know your time of birth. This system is more responsive when your question is specific which cannot be answered using Natal Chart for example, your Natal Chart can indicate your visits abroad but it cannot indicate visit to a Specific country; and, so on. The system of horary used by us has an edge over the other systems.